Yue Hayes
English 20
Cerritos College
Post # 2
Only Daughter
First of all this story reminds me a lot of my parents. Daughters and sons always trying to impress their parents and trying to make them proud. In Hispanic families, fathers always think the girls get married after studying but it doesn't always happen like that.
In the story there's a quote that says "Being only daughter for my father meant that my destiny would lead me to become someone's wife"...(line 4) but this is the old days, now on days girls don't get married because the dad says too women have rights to choose who they want and when they want too. In the story the daughter didn't get married, she studied how her father wanted her to. She got an education to make her father proud but she didn't necessarily needed to marry and that's nothing to feel ashamed she can be free and do anything she wants with her life.
My father would tell my mom that I was not going to graduate from school and that I wasn't going to have good grades and that I was not definitely not going to college. I'm doing the opposite of what he thought I was going to do. I have showed him how I'm doing in school and he feels proud and happy for me. He has trust on me that I'm going to continue school and do good.
There's another quote in the story that says "I went upstairs ti my father's room." "One of my stories had just been translated into Spanish and published in an anthology of Chicago writing and I wanted to show it to him"(line 14). She did her best so her father could see what she has accomplish and she brought a copy of the story in Spanish o her father could see it in his language he can understand and see the things she would write about. Sometimes I would do that with my mom so she could see what I was writing about and so she can feel proud of me it feels good to tell your parent and get good feedback from them.
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